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北京法官进修学院 > 宾馆简介


      踏着薄薄的晨雾,漫步在临湖小径,湖风裹携着青草气息,与盘环在燕山山脉的长城共同为您注入生命的冲动 一杯香浓的咖啡可以舒缓午后阳光带给您的丝丝倦意。陪伴着月色,一边细品厨师为您烹饪的各式菜肴,一边倾听松涛虫笃为您的伴唱。

      北京市法官进修学院拥有190套不同风格、豪华舒适的客房。会议设施有功能齐备的大、中、小型会议室18个。餐饮方面有同时容纳300人就餐的中餐厅,经 营川、粤、鲁风味菜、特色菜。康乐设施有保龄球、游泳馆、桑拿洗浴中心、室内网球馆、室内篮球馆、室外网球场、台球、乒乓球、沙弧球、射箭、健身房、棋牌 室、壁球、模拟高尔夫、电子狩猎、美容美发、中医保健按摩等活动项目。是您会议、旅游、休闲娱乐的最佳选择。我们的关注与微笑将陪伴您在这里的时时刻刻。

 On the Peninsula of YanQi lake, among the majestic mountains in Huai Rou district, there located a building with European style —— Beijing Judge Education Institute.
In the foggy morning, walking on the path besides the lake, you will be given the strength of creation by the Great Wall located on Yanshan Mountains and the wind from the lake with the smell of the grass.
A cup of nice coffee can open your sleepy eyes and refresh your felling on the afternoon .
In the moonlight,you can enjoy the delicious cuisine prepared by our executive chef accompanied with the singing from the worms.
Beijing Judge Education Institute is surrounded by water and mountains, beautiful and peaceful. The main building is simple but stylish, and well equipped.  180 elegant guest rooms, several restaurants with its own specialty, an outdoor entertainment area of 200,000 m2, and 16 conference rooms of different sizes, make the institute an ideal place for conference, leisure staying and motivation touring.
Your expectations will be our commands.
We’ll be with you whenever you need.  

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